Cigar Cutter

A tabletop cigar cutter made of aluminum, brass, and steel, manufactured through CNC milling and laser cutting.

DIY: Anti-Fog

Developed in cooperation with designer Noga Toren at the onset of the Covid-19 crisis, offers a solution for preventing glasses from fogging while wearing a mask. The product is easy to manufacture in just a few steps using household materials and tools.

Tiny Love Bouncer

Cooperation with Tiny Love of the Shilav Group. Meant for newborns, it encourages curiosity and activity. The bouncer integrates the principles of a hammock to facilitate an easy transition from the womb to the crib, preventing pressure on the baby’s head.

Origami Stool

A cardboard stool inspired by origami, with no glue used, allowing for safe sitting up to 80 kg.


3D Modeling & Rendering


PuppyOn (Coming Soon)